
There are two types of commands which you can use to perform tasks with Braina:
1)Commands which you can ask Braina in your own words so that you can get a feel of AI (but it may not work sometimes).
2)Strict commands (you have to follow the syntax)

Note:Use this commands without quotes.


  1. Ask Braina the current time, today's date, day of the week, month, year etc.
    e.g. Which is today's date?
  2. You can encrypt files using the "encrypt files" command. This opens the Conjurers Encrypter. You can even try asking braina to encrypt files in your own words.
    e.g. I want to encrypt files.
  3. Computer Abbreviations :
    Just type the shortform and Braina will reply its fullform.
    e.g. "FTP","OS", "HTML" etc.
  4. Use Braina as calculator :
    e.g. 2+7, 1000/5, 90*2.75, 45.5/1.3 etc.
  5. To run Braina at startup use "Run at startup".
  6. "open <url>" - to open a website in your default browser.
    e.g. open
    e.g. Open a website
    e.g. Open Google (opens
    e.g. I want to open fb. (opens facebook)
  7. "open <path>" - to open a path in your computer.
    e.g. open c:/xyz
    e.g. Please open d: drive for me.


  1. "speak" - to switch on the speak mode. (You will need speaker installed in your computer to hear Braina's reply)
  2. "dont speak" - to switch off the speak mode.
  3. "/upload" - to upload data which braina has learned while chatting with you. Please use this command to support development.
  4. "/exit" - to quit Braina.
  5. "/hide" - to hide console. Ctrl+F1 to make it appear again.
  6. "cls" - to clear the screen.
  7. "learn mode" -to teach Braina the reply.
  8. "/c" - to copy Braina's previous reply.
  9. "/p" - to paste copied text.
  10. "/m" - to visit the URL mentioned in the Braina's previous reply.
  11. "store path" or "store file" - to store a keyword having file path.
  12. "store dir" or "store folder" - to store a keyword having directory path.
  13. "store url" - to store a keyword having URL.
  14. "search <term>" - to search a term on Google.
    e.g. Search Computer Hardware
  15. "cmd mode" - to switch to command prompt.
  16. "cmd" command to open command prompt.
  17. "Keywords list" -to view the keywords list.